Wednesday, 19 December 2012

5 things we take for granted in Video Games

Why hello there, after much persuasion i have decided to return to this blog and to continue writing, however unlike before where i mainly focused on reviewing games this time I'm going to broaden my horizon and discuss gaming in general.

So for my first post in the new and improved GAMERRAGE!! i have decided to set myself a challenge and do a top five list that's a bit different, so here we go. Humby's GAMERRAGE!! Five things in video games that we take for granted...

1: The Explosive (Red) Barrel
"This will explode if shot, because it's red"
Our good friend the explosive barrel has been in video game's from a very early age and has been present in a variety of video games; from First Person Shooters to Role Playing Games and has even made appearances in online multiplayer; the explosive barrel has remained a loyal and faithful ally to those who know it's power and and a hated enemy to those who cross it.

 Always easily noticed due to its colour and often located conveniently next to a group of enemies, the explosive barrel offers gamers an easy ticket through a batch of enemies, simply shoot the barrel and anyone nearby (baddie or not) will be caught in the explosion and die. Although they do vary in colour and effect from game to game, red is generally the colour for explosive, it is worth noting that several games have different types of explosive barrel. (E.G. Red for explosive, Green for poison gas)

As a gamer we definitely take the explosive barrel for granted, many times it has helped us in tricky situations and it will continue to help us for many more to come.

WARNING: It is often tempting to stand right next to an explosive barrel and shoot it or alternatively  hit it with a melee weapon of sorts, i advise against this as doing so may result in serious injury or  death.... you have been warned.

2: Auto-save
At some point in their lives anyone who calls themselves a gamer will of experienced the horror of your game crashing, having a power cut or having your niece come into your room and pressing the power button when you haven't saved for a good few hours, thankfully games now have this thing called auto-save, which is a life saver and probably one of the reasons why this is called GAMERRAGE!!.

The concept is simple, after a set period of time or if the player has progressed past a certain point the game will automatically save your progress, so in the event of any of the above happening the damage inflicted to your game isn't as dire.

3: Friendly NPC's
By friendly Non Player Characters; i refer to any character in a game that is not controlled directly by the player that doesn't want to kill you and is actually designed to help you and are not pivotal to the game (E.G. quest givers) , however most of the time their help is more of a hindrance and will only serve to annoy you.

A good example of this is the marines in the Halo series and their awful driving, or any character in Skyrim that is blocking a doorway your trying to pass through.

They don't mean to be annoying, they just are at times but as annoying as they may be, the help they can provide at times is sometimes invaluable mainly because friendly NPC's can make excellent bullet sponges; if the enemy is shooting at them instead of shooting at you, then all is good right?

4: Soundtrack
Some of the best games have the best soundtracks and i reckon that they are sometimes taken for granted and not given enough recognition, can you imagine slaying a dragon or defusing a bomb that only had a minute left on the clock without some awe inspiring music in the background, yes? well it sucks doesn't it.

The soundtrack is key to making any moment in a game more memorable and as it helps build the right atmosphere that suits the moment.

"What will it contain, gold or a rusty spoon?"
5: Crates and Chests
Anyone who has played enough games will know that finding a crate or a chest will generally mean goodies, from the classic health and ammo crate in shooters to the locked chest in adventure games these things have been here to provide us with the supplies we need and the treasures we crave.

So there we have it, five things us gamers can sometimes take for granted, on behalf of angry gamers everywhere i say thank you to our good friend the explosive barrel for being so conveniently placed next to our enemies, thank you auto-save for savings our progress for us when we forget, thank you friendly NPC's for getting shot at for us, thank you soundtrack for making the most epic moments in a game more memorable and finally thank you crate for giving us our much needed supplies and to the chest for holding our hard earned treasure.

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Stay tuned for my next installment -

More rage then ever before

Watch this space....

More content coming soon.

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