Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Order and Chaos Online

"It's pretty much World of Warcraft"

It's been a while since i last wrote anything here and there are several reasons for this, one of them being is that there is bugger all to review but the main reason is that I've been suffering from a severe case of "can not be arsed".....or writers block as it's more professionally known to us professionals.

So as a special treat I'm going to review a game that very few of you have ever heard of at all.

Now assuming that you have read the large and pretty sub-title above then I've said all there is to say about this game. It literally is a Mobile version of World of Warcraft.  The world is split into two distinct forces known as Order and Chaos, the forces of Order consist of Humans and Elves whereas Chaos forces consist of Orcs and the Undead, (Alliance and Horde?) so already you can tell the similarities.

Gameplay is fairly simple, you wander around the world completing quests for NPC's and these are all very simple, such as to kill X number of beast Y in order to level up and become stronger. There is some PvP (Player vs Player) in the game but i haven't yet tried it out. I've been put off PvP ever since RuneScape to be honest.

One point i feel that needs to be mentioned is how well this game operates on a touch screen device. Movement is controlled via a virtual joystick in the corner of the screen and interface menus are all controlled by virtual and context sensitive buttons located on various parts of the screen.
The only problem with the control system is the in-game chat which breaks the flow of gameplay. In order to send a message you need to tap the bottom of the screen to bring up the chat box, you then need to tap the chat box to open your phones virtual keyboard (which completely covers the screen) and type out your message then send it.

Now imagine trying to do this whilst in combat, it will be awkward and will most likely end in your characters death.

Never the less it's one of those things you put up with. It's a game for the mobile and i paid just under £5 for it so I'm not expecting perfection. As with most MMORPG games there is a subscription fee of about 69p a month, but you get the first three months free and that's plenty of time to enjoy this game.

Basically in a nutshell this is a watered down version of World of Warcraft and the main plus of this game is that it's a great time killer, As long as you got a fairly decent signal on your phone you can connect and kill a fair bit of time and for £5 your pretty much getting a slightly similar experience to World of Warcraft without having to say goodbye to your social life.

 Oh and it's made by a company called Gameloft, thought i'd better throw that in there.

Also if you like reading my stuff, please like the facebook page. The link can be found on the right side of the screen.

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